Friday, May 12, 2017

Who Sleeps Better, Moms or Dads? | This Week in Fitness

Sleep better, eat better, move better. Do everything better, and to the best of your ability. We want to arm you with knowledge in “This Week in Fitness.” Every other week, the Under Armour Connected Fitness editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories, trends and goings-on around the world so you can strive to be as healthy as you can. We’ll even win some arguments for you sometimes. Read on…

Sleep Showdown

Don’t you love it when science backs up what you’ve always argued as fact? A new study by bed manufacturer Eight has determined that mothers face more challenges sleeping than fathers do. We’re not taking sides, but this is one to bring up the next time the kids wake up at 4 a.m. (And don’t forget to educate yourself with our infographic on your sleep habits.)

Paleo Power

Takeout menu on the wall, what’s the trendiest diet of all? Paleo, according to delivery service GrubHub, which tracked its customer orders according to popular healthy-eating plans. Is this plan for you? Read our dietitian’s take.

I Dream of Cloud Eggs

Unicorn lattes? That’s so last season (and a little too controversial). The latest food trend is still pretty ethereal: cloud eggs, which are sweeping Instagram. They’re not easy to make (here’s how to do it, if you’re brave) but they sure look pretty. And the best part? They’re still healthy.


Like This Post, Lose That Pound

If you’re using MyFitnessPal to track what you eat, you’re utilizing what we think is the most powerful tool out there to hold yourself accountable and assist in your quest to lose weight. But many people are using Instagram to supplement — and in many cases, replace — their food diaries with photos of what they eat. A new study by the University of Washington backs this up and weighs the pros and cons of relying on the popular social media platform to track your intake.

Exercise Is Brain Power, Too

We read about studies all the time that claim running helps you live longer or regular exercise maintains memory. What about all of them rolled into one? A pair of studies finds aerobic exercise is good for your brain, period, in a number of ways. So get moving already!

You’re An Animal, We Swear!

Go ahead, let that bomb slip. We won’t judge. A new British study suggests swearing while you exercise can increase your performance. How? That profanity-laced tirade may help you push through your workout. &@%*!

This Runner Is No Croc

OK, let’s get this straight: At UACF we recommend supportive, well-constructed footwear when you run a race. But we’ve still gotta give it up to this teenager who finished a half-marathon in Indianapolis wearing a pair of crocs … in 72 minutes.


So Hot in China

Marathons are the latest thing in China, according to this report from NPR. The proof? The world’s most populous nation is scheduled to host more than 400 this year; that’s up from just 22 in 2011. It’s even pushing to be included in the World Marathon Majors circuit.

Mighty (Marathon) Mouse

There’s “couch to 5K” and then there’s GW1516. In a study by biotech firm Genentech, mice given this particular compound ran 100 minutes longer than a control group. It’s not a quick fix, nor has it been tested in humans, but the hope is that the scientists eventually can synthesize the compound into a drug that helps people who have heart conditions or other issues with exercise.

Hold That Pose (and Hold My Beer)

Last time around, we told you about the strange trend of goat yoga. This time, it’s beer yoga. Which is … exactly what it sounds like, according to GQ. It may surprise you to hear this trend originated at Burning Man. Just kidding — you’re not surprised.

The post Who Sleeps Better, Moms or Dads? | This Week in Fitness appeared first on Under Armour.


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